This page is a repository of material I've developed some years back that have been rendered "out of date" primarily as a result of changes introduced to the Warhammer world by Games Workshop. Since I'm loathed to dump these files, I thought I'd move them here.
Obligatory copyright statement. I am posting the following material that I have written for use only in a GM's home campaign. I reserve all rights to the descriptive material, including locations and characters, while system-specific material is copyrighted by GW. Material written with others, which implies a shared copyright, will be duly noted.
Most articles are in the .rtf format while I begin the process of converting them to pdf.
Historical Timeline
This from official and unofficial sources has been updated with entries from the new Apocrypha 2 book, as well as GW's Mordheim. It still has a number of entries contributed by individuals from the WFRP mailing list and their contributions are duly noted. I have obtained their permission before including their vents in this timeline.
This is essentially the GW material from WFB2. My effort, minimal as it was, consisted of converting the profiles and other bits from WFB2 to WFRP. As this material would never see the light of day given the version of Lustria detailed in the WFB5 Warhammer Armies: Lizardman book, I thought this would be something worth making available for those who prefer the earlier version.
Slann Army List - WFB3
As with Lustria, this is GW material and copyright, pure and simple. I just converted to WFRP stats. This version has been replaced by newer Warhammer Armies: Lizardman book.
Southern Old World Gazetteer
The majority of this gazetteer was compiled when I contributed to Le Grimoire's Sartosa project. Some of the information contained within comes from people other than myself: Alessandro Gatti, Oliver Rosenkranz (editor of the Miragliano project in the WFRP Archives), and Patrizia Vadalà. Most of the original information in this gazetteer has been changed by the staff at Le Grimoire for their Sartosa special issue. This version of the gazetteer (with some other changes of my own) goes with the maps I created for Araby, Border Princes (2nd version), Estalia, and Tilea. Moreover, I added two more entries for the two Border Princes realms mentioned in Hogwash 3 (from Hogshead Publishing).
Southern Old World Historical Timeline
While working on Le Grimoire's Sartosa project, I submitted timelines for the various realms that are located in the southern Old World and other lands that border the Southern Sea. Much of this wasn't used in the final copy, so I re-edit it to include some of the newer material from GW and Hogshead. Most of the entries (including those from Marco Bizzarri and Oliver Rosenkranz) can be found in the larger timeline I compiled, but I did add a number of more recent entries (a couple Estalian bits from Sebastien Boudaud) to the various timelines in order to assist any GM who wishes to place an adventure in these lands. I have also added a couple of entries under Sartosa as a result of Anthony Ragan's piece on Manann's Templars in Warpstone #9.
Dwarf Slayers
This is the first piece that had published (Pyramid issue 25). The article was originally written before the WFB4 Dwarf army book was published by GW. Thus, my development of the God Throrin preceded GW's Grimnir (although Grimnir did get a mention in a Felix and Gotrek story in one of the anthologies). In any event, Throrin went the same way as Grommo (Rolston's RoDM) as far as Hogshead's WFRP Dwarf book is concerned.
Remean Empire
In the early days of the Archives, I submitted the cult description of Solkan with some background mention of the Remean Empire. I wrote a quick little treatise on it based upon how I saw it as a parallel Roman Empire (though a bit smaller). Since then, I heard from some people that my version was too close to our own history. Lately, I altered the history timeline so the Remean Empire looks more like the Greek model of trading colonies than the Roman Empire. So, this is the revised version of the Remean Empire based upon the new model.
This Hellene town was also mentioned in the Solkan piece. Anyone with a cursory knowledge of Greek history will clearly see what I based this description on.
Border Princes, version 1
This version includes areas described by Eric Oppen and Owen Cooper.
Border Princes (geopolitical), version 1
Border Princes, version 2
One of the areas where I contributed to Le Grimoire's Sartosa project was providing some of my maps off the Archives. Since the original Border Princes maps had elements other than my own (see above), I had to redraw them. This is the other version. It contains the two "realms" described in Issue 3 of Hogwash, the semi-regular periodical published by Hogshead.
Border Princes (geopolitical), version 2
This version of the geopolitical map goes with the new version of the Border Princes.
This predates the WFB5 version
Bretonnia (geopolitical)
This map proves that I need to stay away from wine.
Estalia (geopolitical)
When I worked on the Sartosa proect for L'Grimoire, I drew this map for use in that special issue. There was a bit of a disagreement as to where the lone city should be placed. So, this version wasn't accepted. Oh well, can't win them all.